
Pitch Pads, Mastic Adhesive Sealing Compound Two 1.5 x 5 for DSS Mount
Product Description
Primarily it is used under satellite antenna mounts when the securing lag screws need to be sealed from moisture penetration. That is the intended use. It can also be used to wrap around exposed low-voltage fittings and can be used to caulk around drilled holes to keep out bugs and moisture. It stays flexible for a long time and cna later be removed if necessary.
This sealant is useful for many different jobs. Tacky black flexible mastic. Stays flexible for a long time even when exposed to sunlight. We had this compound tested for 2000 hours in a UV exposure chamber and it survived with little change in surface characteristics. In other words, its good stuff.
Handy would be the word as it has many uses. Not an adhesive but rather a permanent flexible caulking.
These are the product's dimensions:
1.75 in. wide x 0.25 in. high x 5 in. deep
Volume: 2.19 cubic in.
Weight: 0.1 lbs.
Quantity: 1 ea.
15.00 in. wide x 6.50 in. high x 19.5 in. deep
Volume: 1901.25 cubic in.
Weight: 37.4 lbs.
Quantity: 300 ea.
Inner Case
6.50 in. wide x 2.75 in. high x 14.25 in. deep
Volume: 254.72 cubic in.
Weight: 5.05 lbs.
Quantity: 50 ea.